UEFA Spring Provider Fair

Held at BYU!

Our community came together on Saturday, March 8th to once again help families find their perfect fit in education!

Our Spring Fair In Utah County Was A Huge Hit!

We’re passionate about connecting families with educational opportunities! What made this fair particularly special was its location at BYU, in partnership with BYU Continuing Education. With 900 attendees, our event received glowing reviews from the families who joined us.


Title Sponsors

FREE Activities & Swag for the Whole Family!

  • Souvenir UEFA Canvas Tote at check-in
  • Three Bounce Houses for the kids
  • Face Painting
  • T-shirts & buttons

Families that registered ahead of the event entered to win one of three gift baskets filled with awesome prizes for both kids and parents.

Join us at our next fair!​

For more information, registration, and sponsorship details, please contact us at info@utahedfitsall.org.

UEFA Spring
Provider Fair
Directory of Exhibitors

Thank you to our incredible Community Sponsors for helping us deliver this event to families for free!

Directory of Exhibitors

1BYU Online High SchoolFeatured
2The Nectar GroupCommunity
3Alpha Omega PublicationsCommunity
4Sharpened StylusCommunity
6Film School 4 TeensCommunity
7Jackie’s Classroom TutoringCommunity
8Bookshark LLCCommunity
9Little BeakersCommunity
11Apogee UtahCommunity
14Expert Dyslexia TutoringCommunity
15Arches AcademyCommunity
16Huntington Learning Center Lehi-American ForkCommunity
17Hawaii Fluid ArtCommunity
19John Adams AcademyCommunity
21Great Books AcademyCommunity
22Angelicum AcademyCommunity
23Out of Box LearningCommunity
25Smarter By 1 DegreeCommunity
26Design Tech Innovation Certificate ProgramCommunity
27Sylvan Learning CenterCommunity
29Brigham Larson PianosCommunity
30Montessori Learning CenterCommunity
31Snapology of LehiCommunity
32National Association For Child DevelopmentCommunity
33Oak MeadowCommunity
34Simply LetteredCommunity
35Nicole the Math Lady, LLCCommunity
36Down To Earth Nature SchoolCommunity
37Utah Collective AcademyCommunity
39Violin for KidsCommunity
41Swim Kids UtahCommunity
42Discover! CurriculumCommunity
44Bridgeway AcademyCommunity
45Children’s Art ClassesCommunity
47Savvy LearningCommunity
48Scholar WithinCommunity
49Piano MarvelCommunity
50Educate & RejuvenateCommunity
53Sunflower Lane Educational ServicesBasic
54Harman Fiddle StudioBasic
55iCreate CollaborativeBasic
56Sidekick to HeroBasic
57Karate SchoolBasic
58JoyFully Read!Basic
59Alpine Latin SchoolBasic
60Impact Ninja GymBasic
61Uplift KidsBasic
62Art With LaurenBasic
63Moxie Learning ClassesBasic
64Copper Mountain SpeechBasic
65Learn with VerseBasic
66Championship Martial ArtsBasic
67Ideal SchoolBasic
68Utah STEM and Arts AcademyBasic
70Premier Martial ArtsCommunity
71Big Blue Swim SchoolBasic
72A to Z for Moms Like MeBasic
73Teen Author ClubBasic
74Salt City SewingBasic
75Gimnasio LLC Pleasant GroveBasic
76Build-a-Box AdventuresBasic
77Sandy Music AcademyBasic
78Illumination LearningBasic
79Everybody MathBasic
80Silver Bear Swim SchoolBasic
81Tenacity Martial ArtsBasic
83Culture Verse StudiosBasic
84Write On! WorkshopsBasic
85Pilot Proficiency CenterBasic
86Apogee Cache ValleyBasic
87Art City Music AcademyBasic
88Liberty’s Light AcademyBasic
89Aeris Aerial ArtsBasic
90Sure Foundation ReadingBasic
91Prenda MicroschoolsBasic
92At Home ArticulationBasic
93Leap Learning LiteracyBasic
94Kings Music FoundationBasic
95Prier ViolinsBasic
96Code Ninjas DraperBasic
97Excalibur Solutions STEM AcademyBasic
98Utah Fits AllCommunity
99Harmony Educational ServicesBasic
100History UnboxedBasic
101Harmony Music TherapyBasic
102Payson HeART CollectiveBasic
103At-Home LiteracyBasic
105Wasatch AcademyBasic
106BYU Independent Study High SchoolFeatured
107BYU Student Success TutoringFeatured
109BYU Youth ProgramsFeatured
110Pencil Box Art StudioBasic
111Moving Mountains Speech TherapyBasic
112Kiwi KidsBasic
114Wilderness WildBasic
115The Nomadic ProfessorBasic
116Realms of Inquiry Private SchoolBasic
117Venture UpwardBasic
119Cerritus LearningBasic
120Belmont Classical AcademyBasic
121Nature Calls Day Camp LLCBasic
122Craft TechBasic
123The Utah Homeschooler MagazineBasic
124Clint’s Reptile RoomBasic
125WonderWorld ExplorersBasic
126Bee Calm BuzzersBasic
127Dyslexia SolutionsBasic
128Mortimer WoodworkBasic
129Summerhays MusicBasic
130Gifted Music SchoolBasic
132Turning Point USABasic
133Nahunta HallBasic
134The Ruth AcademyBasic
135Music Adventure BoxCommunity
136The Scholars’ GroveCommunity
137Nik Day StudiosBasic
140The Church Jesus Christ of Latter-day SaintsBasic
141Scales and TailsBasic
142Abide Christian AcademyBasic
143Adapt Your TableBasic
144Youth StrongBasic
145Curiosity ChroniclesBasic
146Real EducationBasic
147Young Start Up AcademyBasic
148Beyond the PageBasic
149KoolMinds Academy of LearningBasic
150Pathways Early College AcademyBasic
72A to Z for Moms Like MeBasic
142Abide Christian AcademyBasic
143Adapt Your TableBasic
89Aeris Aerial ArtsBasic
3Alpha Omega PublicationsCommunity
59Alpine Latin SchoolBasic
22Angelicum AcademyCommunity
86Apogee Cache ValleyBasic
11Apogee UtahCommunity
15Arches AcademyCommunity
87Art City Music AcademyBasic
62Art With LaurenBasic
92At Home ArticulationBasic
103At-Home LiteracyBasic
126Bee Calm BuzzersBasic
120Belmont Classical AcademyBasic
148Beyond the PageBasic
71Big Blue Swim SchoolBasic
8Bookshark LLCCommunity
44Bridgeway AcademyCommunity
29Brigham Larson PianosCommunity
76Build-a-Box AdventuresBasic
106BYU Independent Study High SchoolFeatured
1BYU Online High SchoolFeatured
107BYU Student Success TutoringFeatured
109BYU Youth ProgramsFeatured
119Cerritus LearningBasic
66Championship Martial ArtsBasic
45Children’s Art ClassesCommunity
124Clint’s Reptile RoomBasic
96Code Ninjas DraperBasic
64Copper Mountain SpeechBasic
122Craft TechBasic
83Culture Verse StudiosBasic
145Curiosity ChroniclesBasic
26Design Tech Innovation Certificate ProgramCommunity
42Discover! CurriculumCommunity
36Down To Earth Nature SchoolCommunity
127Dyslexia SolutionsBasic
50Educate & RejuvenateCommunity
79Everybody MathBasic
97Excalibur Solutions STEM AcademyBasic
14Expert Dyslexia TutoringCommunity
6Film School 4 TeensCommunity
130Gifted Music SchoolBasic
75Gimnasio LLC Pleasant GroveBasic
21Great Books AcademyCommunity
54Harman Fiddle StudioBasic
99Harmony Educational ServicesBasic
101Harmony Music TherapyBasic
17Hawaii Fluid ArtCommunity
100History UnboxedBasic
16Huntington Learning Center Lehi-American ForkCommunity
55iCreate CollaborativeBasic
67Ideal SchoolBasic
78Illumination LearningBasic
60Impact Ninja GymBasic
7Jackie’s Classroom TutoringCommunity
19John Adams AcademyCommunity
58JoyFully Read!Basic
57Karate SchoolBasic
94Kings Music FoundationBasic
112Kiwi KidsBasic
149KoolMinds Academy of LearningBasic
93Leap Learning LiteracyBasic
65Learn with VerseBasic
88Liberty’s Light AcademyBasic
9Little BeakersCommunity
30Montessori Learning CenterCommunity
128Mortimer WoodworkBasic
111Moving Mountains Speech TherapyBasic
63Moxie Learning ClassesBasic
135Music Adventure BoxCommunity
133Nahunta HallBasic
32National Association For Child DevelopmentCommunity
121Nature Calls Day Camp LLCBasic
35Nicole the Math Lady, LLCCommunity
137Nik Day StudiosBasic
33Oak MeadowCommunity
23Out of Box LearningCommunity
150Pathways Early College AcademyBasic
102Payson HeART CollectiveBasic
110Pencil Box Art StudioBasic
49Piano MarvelCommunity
85Pilot Proficiency CenterBasic
70Premier Martial ArtsCommunity
91Prenda MicroschoolsBasic
95Prier ViolinsBasic
146Real EducationBasic
116Realms of Inquiry Private SchoolBasic
74Salt City SewingBasic
77Sandy Music AcademyBasic
47Savvy LearningCommunity
141Scales and TailsBasic
48Scholar WithinCommunity
4Sharpened StylusCommunity
56Sidekick to HeroBasic
80Silver Bear Swim SchoolBasic
34Simply LetteredCommunity
25Smarter By 1 DegreeCommunity
31Snapology of LehiCommunity
129Summerhays MusicBasic
53Sunflower Lane Educational ServicesBasic
90Sure Foundation ReadingBasic
41Swim Kids UtahCommunity
27Sylvan Learning CenterCommunity
73Teen Author ClubBasic
81Tenacity Martial ArtsBasic
140The Church Jesus Christ of Latter-day SaintsBasic
2The Nectar GroupCommunity
115The Nomadic ProfessorBasic
134The Ruth AcademyBasic
136The Scholars’ GroveCommunity
123The Utah Homeschooler MagazineBasic
132Turning Point USABasic
61Uplift KidsBasic
37Utah Collective AcademyCommunity
98Utah Fits AllCommunity
68Utah STEM and Arts AcademyBasic
117Venture UpwardBasic
39Violin for KidsCommunity
105Wasatch AcademyBasic
114Wilderness WildBasic
125WonderWorld ExplorersBasic
84Write On! WorkshopsBasic
147Young Start Up AcademyBasic
144Youth StrongBasic

Map of Exhibitor Hall

Southern Utah
2024 Provider Fair

Title Sponsors

Community Sponsors

Directory of Exhibitors