Resource Center:
Empowering Utah Families

Welcome to the Utah Education Fits All Family Resource Center! Our mission is to empower Utah families with a comprehensive understanding of the educational opportunities available through the Utah Fits All Scholarship Program and beyond.

Thanks to your incredible support, the UEFA Summer Provider Fair was a resounding success! We were thrilled to welcome nearly 2,000 attendees, who arrived with their families eager to discover a wide array of innovative educational products and services. Read more. . .

Utah Fits All Scholarship Program Timeline

May 3, 2024

The Utah Fits All Scholarship Program (UFA) awards announced.

July 1, 2024

Educational purchases begin to qualify for reimbursement.

Fall 2024 – TBD

UFA Scholarship applications open for the 2025–2026 school year.

January 21, 2025

Utah Legislative Session begins.


Utah Fits All Scholarship Program


Utah Fits All Scholarship Program

Advocate with UEFA

For education opportunity to extend to all Utah families, Utah lawmakers need to hear from us.

UEFA Legislative Outreach Center
Legislative Rosters

Utah State Board of Education

Responsible for finding and overseeing the UFA Scholarship program manager.

The Utah Education Association and a State Board member have challenged the UFA Scholarship program. Click the links below to catch up.

Archived Virtual Town Halls

May 23

Taking a Deeper Dive into Expenses!
with Program Director, ACE

Feb 26

Navigating the Utah Fits All Scholarship Application Process with Program Manager, ACE Scholarships

Feb 06

Talk Implementation with the New Utah Fits All Scholarship Program Manager, ACE Scholarships

Dec 19

Utah Fits All Scholarship Basics —
A Conversation with the Sponsors of the Legislation

Dec 12

Microschools & Parent Entrepreneurship with
the Utah Fits All Scholarship

Dec 05

So you want to be a Provider in the Utah Fits All Scholarship Program – Let’s Talk About the Law

Nov 28

Homeschooling with the Utah Fits All Scholarship
(Meet the new Program Manager, ACE Scholarships)

Have a question?