We believe in an education where the needs of families take center stage and parents have access to options that align with their values, expectations, and children’s unique needs.

At UEFA, we are deeply committed to creating a supportive
network for Utah families and education providers.

Here’s how we make a difference:


for Utah education, ensuring voices are heard and valued.


Utahns through the journey of selecting the best fit for their children, including the Utah Fits All Scholarship.


our community about the latest developments, updates, and opportunities within Utah’s educational landscape and the Utah Fits All Scholarship.


our community with the knowledge and tools necessary to make informed decisions about Utah education.

Join Our Community of Families

Be part of a movement that is advocating, supporting, informing, and empowering families across Utah in their educational journey.

Join Our Community of Providers Today!

UEFA is here to keep you informed and connect you with our community of families.

Thanks to your incredible support, the UEFA Summer Provider Fair was a resounding success! We were thrilled to welcome nearly 2,000 attendees, who arrived with their families eager to discover a wide array of innovative educational products and services. Read more. . .