Families Share Their Stories
Join with us in celebrating and recognizing the agency of parents in
their children’s education!
This burgeoning and growing shift in popularity for education choice is a harbinger of a more dynamic, responsive, and inclusive educational landscape, and a parents’ growing inclination to explore and embrace alternative educational pathways.
Here at Utah Education Fits All we elevate the voices of families who are seeking the freedom and access to choose the best fit for their child’s education!
Our community of families volunteered to share their personal stories to demonstrate how the Utah Fits All Scholarship can and is changing the lives of children! They believe in an education where the needs of the family take center stage, allowing parents to customize options that align better with their values, expectations, and their children’s unique needs.
We invite you to read and listen to the many unique stories presented here. These heartfelt and often vulnerable accounts cut through the noise and present the realities of how life changing the opportunity of education choice can be for a child’s well-being, love of learning, confidence, and future success. The financial support of the Utah Fits All Scholarship has proven to be a game changer for the fortunate recipients; however, for the over 17,000 children waitlisted in the first year of the program, their hopes and dreams are yet to be realized. Hear their stories as well.
Cristina — Layton
We did not receive the Utah Fit All Scholarship. My husband works out of town. We love the flexibility homeschool offers us. I have always
Mary — Cedar City
The Utah Fits All Scholarship has been incredibly helpful to our family’s ability to choose what is best for our last two of twelve children.
Jennifer — Provo
We were waitlisted this year because we’re just barely over the income cutoff for Tier 1. It’s tough as a family of seven with only
Elizabeth — Cedar City
I am a mom of five kids at home ranging from age 17 down to 3 months. I have homeschooled for six years. We have
Tanya — St. George
Hello! We have four children that would benefit greatly from the Utah Fits All Scholarship. We unfortunately missed the cutoff last year to apply, so
Carlie — Kamas
My family is beyond grateful for the Utah Fits All Scholarship. My kids really struggled with public school and we made the uneasy decision to
Emilee — Saratoga Springs
My name is Emilee and I homeschool my two young sons, who are 9 and 6. This is our third year of homeschooling and we
LeGrand — Lehi
I want to thank lawmakers for your ongoing commitment to choice in education. Your dedication to this cause is deeply appreciated by families like ours,
Stephanie — Logan
The Utah Fits All Scholarship would help our family a great deal. Because we homeschool, the cost of all education and related extra activities comes
Daniela — Ivins
Our homeschool journey started two years ago after feeling very deflated about our daughter’s kindergarten year at one of the best schools in southern Utah.
Jose — Sandy
I am deeply grateful to have been selected as a recipient of the Utah First All Scholarship. This scholarship represents much more than financial support,
Alicia — Spring City
Thank you for the Utah Fits All Scholarship Program. It has provided enormous opportunities and funding for my family to do things we could not