UEFA Capitol Celebration
Thanks for celebrating Utah Fits All with us at the Capitol!
View our event highlights below!

UEFA is holding a very important event at the State Capitol to thank our Legislature for the Utah Fits All Scholarship — and we need YOU there!
Your voice matters in the journey to expand educational opportunities for all!
Please come join us at a celebratory event to thank the Utah legislature for passing this pivotal school choice law – and to say, “thank you for our fit, Utah Leg!”
We will be honoring our Bill Sponsors, Representative Candice Pierucci & Senator Kirk Cullimore, our guest speakers. There will be special musical performances as well!
We are giving away lots of FREE SWAG! We have event t-shirts & scarves, wrist bands, buttons, etc.
What: Utah Fits All Scholarship Celebration!
When: January 24, 2024 – ARRIVE at 10:30 to get your free t- shirts and scarves (we want the kids to wear them), then be in your seats by 11:00 am sharp!
Where: Utah State Capitol, Hall of Governors (1st floor)
Who: All are welcome – especially our families and students hoping to receive the Utah Fits All Scholarship!
Instructions for what to Bring:
- Sign Contest – 3 WINNERS will be selected to receive a prize for the best signs thanking the Utah Legislature for passing the Utah Fits All Scholarship!
- Thank You Cards – Bring completed thank you cards for legislators who voted in favor of the law to drop in our delivery basket. You can look up your legislators and bring individual cards just for them or make one card for the legislature as a whole. It’s up to you. (To find your legislator, go here. To see who voted YES in the Senate go here. To see who voted YES in the House go here.)
We are asking all of you who have joined our movement to gather with us at the Capitol, not only to express our gratitude, but also to show our elected representatives that tens of thousands of you plan to complete the Utah Fits All Scholarship application.
Just one year ago we were asking the legislature to pass this very important law. Fast forward a year later and we are back demonstrating to them that over 35,000 Utah children are hoping to find their fit in education with the help of the Utah Fits All Scholarship. Our fight continues forward as we join together to ask that these kids be supported through an increased appropriation of funding to help meet the high demand.
The grand finale will be a giant Photo-Op on the Capitol Rotunda steps. Decked out in our Utah Fits All swag and holding our signs, we’ll capture a moment that symbolizes our community and commitment to educational choice in Utah.
See you at the Capitol for a day of empowerment and citizen advocacy!

Utah Fits All Scholarship Celebration! – National School Choice Week Event! Hear from our incredible bill sponsors, Representative Candice Pierucci and Senator Kirk Cullimore
January 24, 2024, beginning at 11:00 am sharp!
Utah State Capitol, Hall of Governors (1st floor)
All are welcome – especially our families and students hoping to receive the Utah Fits All Scholarship!
We are asking all of you who have joined our movement to gather with us at the Capitol, not only to express our gratitude, but also to show our elected representatives that thousands of you plan to complete the Utah Fits All Scholarship application on behalf of your children.
Just one year ago we were asking the legislature to pass this very important law. Fast forward a year later and we are back demonstrating to them that over 33,000 Utah children are grateful and hoping to find their fit in education with the help of the Utah Fits All Scholarship. Our fight continues forward as we ask that these children be supported through an increased appropriation of funding to help meet the high demand.
We will end our event with a giant Photo-Op on the Capitol Rotunda steps with everyone decked out in the their Utah Fits All swag holding their signs! See you at the Capitol for a day of empowerment and citizen advocacy!