Utah Fits All has been and will continue to be life changing for my four children! My wife and I both have advanced degrees, and we sacrifice her earning potential and apply her bright mind to the tailored and focused schooling of our kids. This scholarship has enabled the dream of their pursuit of excellence in traditional academics including needed tutors or custom curriculum, focus in valuable areas of interest to each child, experiences sampling potential interests, and growth through extracurricular activities they would not have access to otherwise. Their music, reading, math, history, geopolitics, science/technology, and individual realization are each able to receive the right attention in the right season.
People remark to us about how happy our kids seem, and it’s because of a good foundation and great enabling capability like a good mother coordinating these scholarship resources that they are growing up straight and strong, into upstanding and contributing citizens of Utah. These are not abstract wins, but specific milestones achieved this year, enabled by the Utah Fits All Scholarship.