Christina — Cannonville

We are very delighted to have qualified for and received the UFA Scholarship for our boys. It has made a world of difference for their learning. We were able to purchase so many resources with our funds to aid us in the homeschooling of our boys Chad (age 7) and Ammon (age 9). Without these resources we would still make due, but having them has certainly helped us to launch our children’s education beyond the limitations we otherwise would’ve been up against.

Both our boys are autistic and this is only one of the very many reasons that homeschooling is the best route for our family. We’ve been able to provide them with an entire room dedicated with resources like curriculum kits, computers, and even seating specified for children with autism. They are free to learn what they want, when they want, and the root of our homeschooling routine is a Passion for Learning! We love to learn in our household, and we are constantly asking what it is that makes things work or how they’re put together. I wouldn’t be entirely surprised if our boys were to become future engineers, and innovative ones at that, in their adult futures.

Thank you so much, Utah Fits All for supporting families like us in educating our children at home with our own unique approach and at our tailored pace. These scholarships have made our children’s futures quite a bit brighter.