Noelle — Tremonton

My name is Noelle, and I have a six year old son named Walt, who received the Utah Fits All Scholarship this year. My son is a wonderful boy, whom I love more than anything, but he is sensitive and is easily overwhelmed in large groups. We are fortunate to have a microschool run by amazing teachers that is close by. With the scholarship we were able to pay for the tuition and have him go to the school. I know that going to that school isn’t an option for everyone because the tuition is quite high, as it needs to be to support everything. But us being able to send him there has allowed him to grow as a person, make friends, feel loved, and grow educationally more than we ever expected! He LOVES his school and even though he still has separation anxiety, he has amazing teachers and students there who do nothing but support him and love him.

Attending this school has enabled my son to progress to a first grade math and reading level. He loves learning, and doing so at his own pace has allowed him to soar. This scholarship has given our son the opportunity that a few years ago we never even dreamed we would have been able to give to him. He is excelling, thriving, and growing more than we have prayed for. This scholarship can continue to change other children’s lives. Children who may have the opportunity for other options but their parents may lack the funds. As parents, educators, and members of the community we really should focus on what is best for children and how we can support them. Education can be successful in many ways and individualizing their path is a key to their success.