I am a mother of seven children with five in school. I have homeschooled since my first was in preschool. I’ve always found it frustrating that our tax dollars go to pay for education that my children never have and probably never will participate in while we pay the costs of providing our own children an education. This year that changed when we were awarded the Utah Fits All Scholarship.
We love homeschooling, and I love that I am guiding my children’s education experience. Homeschooling allows some unique experiences to present themselves. Our oldest is in fifth grade and this year when we started school we were on an extended road trip so we simply incorporated the experience into our education. We learned all about the 15 states that we were visiting. While we were traveling our oldest three took a sewing class where they made their very own patchwork quilts.
Our two daughters are in the first and fourth grade. They’ve been very driven to develop fitness skills for some time. They use Youtube to teach themselves how to do various skills. Since we received the scholarship, they were able to enroll in fitness related classes. They have loved it and done so well that after only one month my seven year old graduated to intermediate level gymnastics!
I’ve always dreamed of having a musical family and have done my best to give my children music education. This year three of our boys have begun playing the violin and our two girls are starting on the piano.
Our twin boys are five and very academically driven. They want to be learning ALL DAY LONG! They are reading voraciously and claim their second grade math is ” so easy they could do it in their sleep!” I love that they can move along at their own pace. I can’t imagine holding them to regular class work. Having the ability to continually provide new reading material has been such a blessing.
Our oldest struggles with reading and spelling and requires a lot of help in these subjects. All five of my children need time reading with me every day. This can limit other educational opportunities I could give them. The best part of receiving this scholarship is that I have been able to hire tutors to help me meet their one-on-one needs, allowing more time to care for home and family.
It’s so wonderful to see my children pursuing their dreams and developing their interests with the help of the Utah Fits All Scholarship.