I am pleased to have the opportunity to write about our experience with Utah Fits All. I first read about the scholarship through an online ad. I felt excited, as I had been homeschooling my three kids since December of 2019. But I also had doubts, because I thought it was too good to be true.
I waited for the applications to open on February 28, 2024. I made sure I had everything on hand. That short period for the approval notice to arrive did not feel as short as it may sound. My kids and I would log into their account and check everyday, thinking maybe the award would come earlier than expected. Thanks to my Holy Father, every day fulfills its purpose. The day came and we were notified that we were AWARDED!!! And I say we, because I feel myself awarded as well! Now we had to be patient for the scholarship year to begin! My kids and I couldn’t wait to start learning so many things. We thought and thought of what we could start off with. Honestly, I still thought it was TOO GOOD TO BE REAL!!!
I searched for school curriculums, and finally went ahead and purchased a great homeschool curriculum for my kids, which we are still working with. Finally, we received our first purchase. That is when all doubt vanished from within. I took video and photos with the kids opening their boxes. We purchased school materials, laptops, a printer, etc.
We are deeply, deeply in gratitude for this wonderful opportunity. I see my kids grow everyday, I feed my kids at home not only food that enters their mouths, but also food that enters their hearts and minds. Helping our nation and even the world with one grain of sand, with educating our future generation. Thank you.