Kelly — Grantsville

My daughter, Sarah, age 5, received the Utah Fits All Scholarship for her kindergarten year and it has been a blessing! We are a low-income family, thus, a great homeschool opportunity was not really an option. But with this scholarship, we have been able to get so many books that have helped my daughter develop a love for reading, as well as broadened her knowledge and interest in the world around her. We have been able to get the math and English workbooks needed for her to excel and really go at her own pace in those core subjects. We have been able to have a religious-based education in our home, which is so important for us.

It has made such a difference for us to be able to educate Sarah at home and be able to teach her fundamental values and skills, so she can be strong and prepared when spiritual and social winds blow her way. Some people view it as “sheltering”, but it is really “preparing”. I can prepare my daughter while she is young to be strong and valiant so she is able to go out and be a force for good in the world, instead of being confused by competing voices while she is still learning how to live.

We also live in a basement apartment with no yard access, just a driveway. We only have one car, so going to the park is more limited. This scholarship is amazing at taking care of the whole child. We were able to purchase items she can use to play and develop her body outside in the fresh air while at home, which is SO important for children. We have also been able to help her discover and develop her interests through piano and dance lessons because of the scholarship. And, we plan to get a small garden bed when Spring comes closer so Sarah can learn about where her food comes from and about self-sufficiency and sustainability, continue to develop her work-ethic, and more!

I cannot say enough how much this scholarship has been and continues to be a blessing to our daughter and, thus, our family. We are able to give Sarah the education we dream for her and that she enjoys. It melts my heart with joy when she comes up to me, gives me a hug, and says, “Mommy, you’re the best teacher ever!” I do my very best, but this scholarship has given us the tools to make learning a wonderful experience. Thank you, Utah Fits All Scholarship!